Begin - Live Learning Workshops

What you can expect

  • Support for new practitioners or for those who would benefit from a recap of the core foundations
  • Structured learning opportunities, guided by an experienced facilitator
  • Review of the core aspects of the model (e.g. graphs) and how to introduce them in sessions
  • Useful guidance on how to access content from Connections
  • Opportunity for questions and answers

Topics include:

  • Jungian Preferences: What are they and how to introduce them
  • Insights Discovery Graphs: How they’re made and how to use them
  • Insights Discovery Wheel: Its construct and how to introduce it
  • Insights Colour Energies: What are they and how to introduce them
  • Connections: How to navigate the platform and find resources
  • Common questions and how to answer them

To prepare: Review your accreditation materials to re-familiarise yourself with the topic

Interested? Find next sessions in the Live Learning Workshops Calendar 2023.

Need more help? Get in touch with your Practitioner Communities Team.

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