What you can expect:
Learning opportunities for practitioners who want to expand their use of Insights Discovery beyond the introductory session
Structured learning opportunities, guided by an experienced facilitator
“How to” orientation to other parts of the Insights Discovery portfolio
Information on how and where to access the content from Connections
Preparation required:
See details in the dropdown menus below
Topics include:
Workshop description
Discovery Full Circle (DFC) uses the language of colour to understand how other people perceive us. It is supported by a profile and a selection of content, which you have access to as a practitioner. If you’d like some more information and guidance on how to use this content, then please come along to this Learn session with all of your questions
Please review the DFC content that’s available on Connections and bring your questions to the live session.
Workshop description
To enhance your learning experience at the Self-Aware Leader Live Learning Workshop we recommend that you have a knowledge of the Manifestations of Leadership. These can be found in the Discovering Leadership Effectiveness programme, and you can access the materials here.
Please familiarise yourself with the Self-Aware Leader content before attending this Live Learning Workshop - you’ll find all you need here.
Workshop description
Discovering Team Effectiveness (DTE) uses the Insights Discovery profile to explore the impact of preference on the effectiveness of individuals within a team and the team collectively. It is supported by a selection of content, which you have access to as a practitioner. If you’d like some more information and guidance on how to use this content, then please come along to this Learn session with all of your questions.
Please review the DTE content that’s available on Connections (both face-to-face and virtual applications) and bring your questions to the live session.
Workshop Description
This workshop aims to deepen practitioners’ knowledge of the Insights Team Effectiveness (TE) 4 pillar/8 element model by looking in more detail at the model, focussing on the TE 32 Attributes.
The workshop provides more depth and detail about the Pillars and Elements and enables teams to use a detailed diagnostic framework to pinpoint what’s working well and what is not. This enable teams to have constructive conversations about team functioning and about actions that can be taken to develop the team. The workshop will also outline three ways of working with a team and the different modalities of team development, the roles that practitioners might play in the team development journey and the skills required for each modality.
Download the 3 handouts available on Connections and read through in advance of the LLW:
- Key Questions in Working with Teams
- Detailed Descriptions of the TE 32 attributes
- Coaching Questions for the 32 attributes
Think through the possible applications in working with teams in your organisation or with your clients. If possible, have one potential ‘use case’ in mind.
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